Justin Ward
Portfolio Manager - APAC
LLM (Business); GradDipCA; B IS / B Bus (Accounting)
Justin Ward is a Portfolio Manager based in LCM’s Sydney office.
Justin, has significant experience assists in identifying, assessing and managing complex litigation on behalf of LCM clients. Justin is a former insolvency practitioner and his primary focus is on insolvency-related claims funding; however his portfolio of investments which he has originated and assessed cover a broad range of sectors and jurisdictions.
Justin joined LCM in 2019, specialising in the funding of insolvency-related claims including by the assignment of claims and debt purchases. He is at the forefront of the assignment market having completed a number of innovative transactions being the first of this kind in Australia.
Prior to joining LCM, Justin had over 10 years’ experience managing complex litigation both as an insolvency professional and as a litigation funder. He has had significant success in funding matters which traditionally would not have been funded, and in maximising returns for creditors.

- Master of Business Laws University of New South Wales.
- Graduate Diploma from the Institute of Chartered Accounting Australia and New Zealand
- Bachelor of Business (Accounting) / Bachelor of Information Systems Australian Catholic University
- CONTINGENT LIABILITIES AND SOLVENCY Tips for analysing contingent liabilities using a framework incorporating accounting and common law principles.
- Debtor management made easy Article appeared in June 22 edition of the Australian Institute of Company Director’s magazine.
- Assignee can engage in statutory tracing pursuant to s 588ff Co-authored with Justine Denman (Stacks Law Firm); published in LexisNexis Insolvency Law Bulletin (Vol. 21, No. 9 & 10, April 2022)
- Using liquidator’s examination documents in assigned claims Co-authored with Marcel Fernandes (12 Wentworth Selborne Chambers); published in LexisNexis Insolvency Law Bulletin (Vol. 21, No. 5 & 6, July 2021)
- In practice: funding portfolios of insolvency claims
- Portfolio Manager Justin Ward published in Acuity Magazine
- Assigning claims – A practical update Co-authored by Justin Ward (LCM) and Siba Diqer (LCM); published in the ARITA Journal (March, 2020)
- “Disputes finance as a corporate finance tool”; co-authored with Glenn Livingstone (KPMG); published in Acuity Magazine (August 2020)
- “Assignment of claims: a comparative analysis of the United Kingdom and Australia”; co-authored with Siba Diqer (LCM) and Hugo Marshall (LCM); published in INSOL International Quarterly Journal (2ndquarter, August 2020)
- Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
- Professional member of the Australian Restructuring Insolvency and Turnaround Association
- Certified member of the Turnaround Management Australia
- Listed by LawDragon in the 100 Global Leaders in Litigation Finance – 2023 and 2024